maker: J. Maul
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker: Jakob Maul
JMAZ scale

This letter scale carries the name JMAZ. This is just the abbreviation of Jakob Maul Aus Zell. (Jakob Maul from the town Zell). The mark JMAZ was protected in Germany. A series of different articles for offices was mentioned under this mark. So, not only letter scales. The mark protection dates from April 19, 1926. The protection finally stopped at Match 9, 1966. The model presented here was protected with a D.R.G.M.: a Deutsches Reich Gebrauchs Muster, a model registration. It's doubtful whether the early Gebrauchsmusters still exist in paper. The German Patent Office told me they are destroyed. This letter scale has a nice enameled chart which ranges up to 250 grams. Till 150 grams a stripe per gram is given. Above 150 grams there is a stripe each five grams. The base has a rotating pair of legs.  For zero leveling

back of the scale
back of the scale
side view
oblique frontal view
the other side

this scale has an adjusting screw in the non rotating third leg. The name of the design, JMAZ, is written at the top short horizontal connecting strip of the black V shaped frame. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

detail 1
a lot of stripes
detail 2
per gram < 150 > per 5 grams
detail 3
maximum 250 grams
detail 4
detail 5
folded flat
detail 6
folded flat
detail 7
engraving D.R.G.M.
detail 8
engraving D.R.G.M.
detail 9
JMAZ at the upper short
strip of the V-shaped frame
bruine lijn
« Sol collection: part 4«       © copyright André Sol version: April 25, 2004