letter scale

maker: Ph.J. Maul
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Ph.J. Maul
EXAKTUS letter scale

Two mechanisms are mounted onto the frame of this scale. At the front is a scale mechanism with a turn-over counterweight. The large horizontal plate on top belongs to this mechanism. A second mechanism with a fixed counterweight is mounted at the backside of the cast iron frame. This mechanism uses the curved letter tray. This postal scale model has the name Exaktus. This is indicated by means of a sticker at the letter tray or at the left side on the horizontal frame beam. In the middle of the horizontal beam is a graceful name plate of Ph.J. Maul. Often a D.R.P. sticker is attached at the right. Both stickers disappeared from my specimen during a cleaning. More recent specimens have a simple rectangular name plate. The design was protected with a German patent at  July  5,  1938.  The patent  with the

back of the scale
back of the scale
figures of patent
figures of patent DE697676
figure of patent
figure of patent DE714931
a letter
the two positions of the poise
the 2 positions
of the turn-over
both trays
loaded with
a weight

number DE697676 was granted on September 19, 1940 and published on October 19, 1940. It was granted to Philip Friedrich Maul, the oldest son of Philipp Jakob Maul. To this patent another patent was added on October 7, 1938, with the number DE714931. It describes a third weighing mechanism. This was mounted at the left upper corner of the frame. This little scale with a tiny letter tray rocks over at 20,5 grams. At 20,0 grams it's supposed to be in equilibrium. This patent was granted on November 20, 1941 and was published on December 10, 1941. The Exaktus is not a beautiful design. The chart is made of aluminum and often it's partly scratched. The date of the switch to the more simple name plate is unknown. Whether or not this model was in production just before the second world war is also unknown. Below some more pictures of this tall letter scale.

detail 1
beautiful name shield
detail 2
the three ranges
detail 3
D.R.P. and logo
detail 4
the turn-over poise
detail 5
from aside
detail 6
concav orientated chart
detail 7
fixed counterweight
detail 8
the letter tray
detail 9
scratches at the aluminum
detail 10
more simple name plate
detail 11
large plate
detail 12
sticker with name of model
bruine lijn
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