60 grams letter scale
with Dutch postal rates

maker: probably Ph.J. Maul, Germany
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Ph.J. Maul
letter scale

The plate of this little letter scale was made for the Dutch market. The plate shows the Dutch inland postal rates of the period 1892-1907. Also rates to foreign countries of the period 1875-1907 are given. Followed by rates for samples and printed matter. Based on these rates, this letter scale dates from the period 1892-1907. The capacity is 60 grams. Each gram has a stripe on the chart. DEPOSÉ is engraved in the vertical strip of the scale mechanism. This indicates the scale or the design was registered. The frame has distinguishing copper coloured bands. I don't know why. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

back of the scale
back of the scale

detail 1
postal rates Netherlands
and foreign countries
detail 2
Netherlands (inland)
up to 15g 5c
detail 3
rates for East and West Indies
detail 4
detail 5
copper bands at base
detail 6
separate 15 grams indication
bruine lijn
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