letter scale

firm Balduin Heller's Söhne,
Teplitz, Czechoslovakia, now Czech Republic
bruine lijn
letter scale, design Heller
full circle scale

This letter scale with the distinguishing full circle chart is a design of Balduin Heller's Söhne, from Teplitz, in Czechoslovakia, now Czech Republic. Patents to protect this design were granted in several countries. The patent drawings present a design with a less stalwart frame. That construction was made and truly exists. Therefore the letter scale photographed here, probably is a bit less old. This specimen has a chart measuring in ounces, the range is 1 Lbs. The German patent DE254082 was granted on October 24 1911 by the Kaiser Patent Office to Balduin Heller's Söhne, from Teplitz, Böhmen. The patent was published on November 22 1912. The Royal-Imperial Patent Office granted the Austrian patent AT61166. It was applied on October 21 1911.

back of the scale
back of the scale

The patent started on May 1 1913, and was published only on September 10 1913. A Hungarian patent HU56898 was applied for on October 24 1911, and granted on August 12 1912. The photographed frame shape is shown in the drawings of another patent of Heller of 1922. This full circle letter scale with this more robust frame and the weighing capacity of 16 ounces probably is not older than 1922. This bilaterally moving mechanism does not need adjusting when placed on a slanting surface, it is automatically self-adjusting. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

Heller full circle scale
animation with the
Heller letter scale
click to start
figure 1 of patent
figure 1 of the German patent
of Balduin Heller's Söhne
detail 1
smart positioned levers
detail 2
subdivided into 1/16 ounces
detail 3
fully spread
bruine lijn
« collection part 9 «© copyright André Solversion: August 14, 2005