letter scale

maker: Skrebba, West Germany
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Skrebba
skre-ta letter scale

This is a simple handheld weighing scale with a capacity of 50 grams. The chart has a stripe of measure for each gram. The model is named Skre-ta 50. Skre-ta 100 also exists, this one weighs up to 100 grams. The scales are delivered in a pouch of grey plastic. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

detail 1
logo and model name
detail 2
stripe of measure per gram
detail 5
in the pouch
detail 4
letter clip
detail 3
range 50 grams
detail 6
Skre-ta 50 next to
a Skre-ta 100
bruine lijn
« collection part 12 «© copyright André Solversion: January 14, 2008