letter scale

maker: Ph.J. Maul, Germany
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Ph.J. Maul
pocket letter scale

This pocket letter scale was made by Philipp Jakob Maul from Hamburg, Germany. The scale goes up to 2 ounces, it was made for the English and American market. The scale is subdivided into 1/8 ounces. The logo of Ph.J. Maul is at the front. At the back is engraved: Made in Germany. It was sold complete with a genuine leather pouch. Below some more pictures of this red hand-held letter scale.

back of the scale
back of the scale

detail 1
stripes of measure per 1/8 ounce
detail 2
weighing a letter
detail 3
Ph.J. Maul
detail 4
Made in Germany
detail 5
with leather pouch
detail 6
range 2 ounces
bruine lijn
« collection part 12 «© copyright André Solversion: February 16, 2009