letter scale

maker: Geba, Nijmegen, Holland
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Geba
Geba letter scale

This letter scale is made by GEBA from Nijmegen, Holland. The scale has a turn-over counterweight. This gives this letter scale two ranges: 250 and 1000 grams. The 250 grams scale has a striper of measure per each gram. The 1000 grams scale has stripe of measure per ten grams. The aluminum chart is difficult to read. The indicator is suspended at the same axis as the chart. This results in a self leveling scale. By this a separate zero leveling is superfluous. The letter scale has a sticker with the trade-mark and city of production. The chart bears the production code 26-B125. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

back of the scale
back of the scale
top plate
top plate with lowering
suited for cylinder containers
two positions of the poise
animation: two positions
of the poise
sticker with trade-name
and city of origin

detail 1
difficult to read
detail 2
red indicator
detail 3
ranges 250 and 1000 grams
detail 4
weighing action
detail 5
simple base
detail 6
version with
loose saucer
bruine lijn
« collection part 12 «© copyright André Solversion: February 18, 2008