letter scale

maker: probably Ph.J. Maul, Germany
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Ph.J. Maul
letter scale

This small letter scale probably was made in Germany, most likely by Ph.J. Maul. Still, it has no trade-mark or logo, it just has the text DÉPOSÉ. This suggests the design was protected. The chart of 60 grams has a stripe of measure per gram. The value 15 grams is separately indicated. The unit of measure is indicated by Gr. so the German way with a capital. This letter scale was meant to be used in the Netherlands: the postal rates for letters, printed matter and samples for inland and abroad are printed on the letter plate. It is still just readable. Also rates to East and West Indies are specified. This helps to date this letter scale very much. The postal rates for sending samples abroad are from the period April 1 1879 till July 1 1892. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

back of the scale
back of the scale

detail 1
Dutch postal rates
detail 2
main axis
detail 3
only just readable
detail 4
detail 5
poise with cover plate
detail 6
weighing range 60 grams
detail 7
indicator made by folding
detail 8
copper stripes at frame
detail 9
turning foot
detail 10
two specimen
detail 11
detail 12
bruine lijn
« collection part 12 «© copyright André Solversion: June 5, 2009