letter scale

design: Volker Zitzmann, Markus Roling and Peter Kirchhoff
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Take 2
Kroko letter scale

This German crocodile is named Kroko (no, not Schnappi!) and it is a special letter scale of the rocker type. The model has two values: 20 and 50 grams. The design was made by the gentlemen Volker Zitzmann and Markus Roling of the Design Office Take 2, and Peter Kirchhoff. There is a yellow/green and a green/red version. Below some more pictures of this Kroko letter scale.

the other side of Kroko
the other side of Kroko
assembling instruction
the rocking crocodile
animation: rocking crocodile
letter weighs above 20 grams
directions for use
directions for use
text + pictures

detail 1
crocodile with brochure
detail 2
brochure in Kroko
detail 3
Kroko letter seesaw
detail 4
two slots
detail 5
the 20 grams slot
detail 6
the 50 grams slot
detail 7
the other colored variant
still in the packing
detail 8
text side of brochure
detail 9
the green feet
bruine lijn
« collection part 12 «© copyright André Solversion: February 18, 2008