![]() Postal Scale Quick, System Keesing | The letter scale presented here was made for use in the Netherlands because the scale is full with Dutch postal rates. The weighing capacity is 750 grams. The scale is alternately printed in black and red. Helas, it's very difficult to read the faded texts. This letter scale probably dates from around 1928. This tall letter scale with a height of 50 centimeters was directly sold by N.V. Internationale Uitgevers- en Handel-Maatschappij from Amsterdam to companies, but also to resellers and stationery stores in the Netherlands and in the Dutch Indies. I suppose for the latter a scale with different postal rates for mail in and from the Dutch Indies was attached to the frame of the letter scales. I have not seen such a specimen. Hardly readable on the top left of the scale is: POSTSCHAAL "QUICK" and below this: Systeem "Keesing". The scale with these postal rates was an idea of Isaäc Keesing Jr. I have not found a patent of the letter scale. The top plate photographed here is not original. In adverts published in newspapers in the years 1916 and 1917 is claimed that the postage would be 12.5 times faster with this letter scale because the postal rates are printed on the scale. Namely 10 letters in five minutes with a usual other letter scale and the Postal Scale Quick performance is 50 letters in two minutes. The adverts show a slightly different model with a hanging letter plate. This type of construction results in a long double swinging back and forth movement of the reading lever. The reading is extremely difficult because of the quantity of all these lines with different postal rates. The claimed speed gain will never be achieved. The first found advert was published in the Algemeen Dagblad of July 27, 1916. The most recent advert was published in the same newspaper with the date September 8, 1925. Also they advertised in order to sell plates with the new postal rates starting October 1, 1925 | ![]() back of the scale |
for 3.50 guilders. The tin made scale is mounted firmly with eight! screws and square nuts on the cast iron frame. The price for a Post Quick Scale varied quite per year: in 1917 27.50 NLG, in 1920 32.50 NLG, in 1923 25.00 NLG and in 1925 only 16.50 NLG.
There are a few publications on the Keesing letters scales in Dutch:
- Postwegers, Kok R.J., Meten & Wegen, nr. 104, dec. 1998, pp. 2459 en 2465-2466
- Brievenwegers met Nederlandse posttarieven, Kok R.J., Meten & Wegen, nr. 126, juni 2004, pp. 3000-3001
- Nederlandse posttarieven, A. Appel, Meten & Wegen, nr. 132, dec. 2005, pp. 3137-3138, mentions also the Quick Postschaal.
And in English:
- Keesing postal scales, R.J. Kok, EQM 2004 No.1, pp. 2875-2876
I have seen a specimen with the text: Portschaal instead of Postschaal. Below some more pictures and adverts of this large Keesing letter scale.
![]() barely readable: POSTSCHAAL "QUICK" and below that: Systeem "Keesing" |
![]() the frame has a gold colored ornamental pattern | ![]() read the scale along the left edge of the window |
![]() sixteen rates below one another is quite a lot in order to quickly read the proper postal rate |
![]() This sticker with additional explanation is sometimes totally vanished from the scales. Other scales are missing this part of the tin scale |
![]() Along which line do I read the scale? |
![]() part of advert of October 16, 1917 in the newspaper Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlands-Indië |
![]() second part of the same advert of October 16, 1917 in the newspaper Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlands-Indië |
![]() advert in the Sumatra Post of March 2, 1923 showing an upright with a different design, it has a split in the vertical frame |
![]() the enormous scale made of tin |
![]() the lead filling of the counterweight |
![]() one of the eight square nuts at the back of the postal scale |
« collection part 16 « | © copyright André Sol | version: November 27, 2015 |