letter scale

unknown maker, France
bruine lijn
letter scale, unknown maker
letter scale, France

This letter scale with black lacquered base and plain letter rack came from France. This scale has no mark or logo. Elsewhere this model can be found with the N.B. mark of Narcisse Briais. The scale of 100 grams has a stripe of measure per ten grams and also at 5, 7½, 15, 45 and 75 grams. The value 7½ grams was used in France until 1862 as a postal rate weight limit. The maximum height is 182 millimeters, the base diameter is 78 millimeters. The own weight is 242 grams. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

back of the letter scale
back of the letter scale
side view
side view
the back
side view
side view

detail 1
weighs uo to 100 grams
detail 2
the pointer attachment protrudes
through a cutout of the moving part
detail 3
the scale has also the 7½ grams (valid until 1863 in France)
detail 4
weighing a letter in the rack
detail 5
the pointer at 50 grams
detail 6
the letter scale with a weight of 50 grams
detail 7
the reflecting letter scale
detail 8
the pointer at 100 grams
detail 9
the ornate letter scale with the plain letter rack
detail 10
the shiny black wooden base
detail 11
bottom of the weighted base
detail 12
this base has no zero leveling screw
bruine lijn
« collection part 17 «© copyright André Solversion: February 1, 2017