letter & egg scale

design: firm Balduin Heller's Söhne, Teplitz-Schönau, Czechoslovakia, now Czech Republic
maker: Philipp Jakob Maul, Hamburg, Germany
bruine lijn
Usus letter scale, maker Ph.J. Maul
USUS letter and egg scale

This letter and egg scale was designed by the firm Balduin Heller's Söhne, from Teplitz-Schönau, Czechoslovakia, now Czech Republic. A Deutsches Reich Gebrauchs Muster -a cheaper patent- was granted February 1936. The German firm Philipp Jakob Maul from Hamburg has manufactured this letter scale under the model name USUS. The front of the housing has a name shield with left the model name USUS, in the middle the large brand mark of Ph.J. Maul and on the right the D.R.G.M. patent indication. The letter scale is self-adjusting to different slopes, has a clever mechanism with two counterweight-arms, this enables an easy reading of the chart in the whole range of 500 grams. In the first 50 grams of the chart each gram has a stripe of measure. Above this, there is a stripe per five grams. A checkered band helps the reading. The letter scale has a handy profiled top plate, this makes the scale suited for weighing eggs. However the text of the original D.R.G.M. patent application only speaks of "Briefwage" (in the old spelling, German meaning letter scale). A second-hand USUS is sometimes offered as an egg scale, namely because it's more profitable. This letter scale was made in dark red and also in black, see the photos at the bottom of this page. See here for more pictures of a black Usus and for the drawings of the patent. One sees also specimens offered without the three texts (USUS + Ph.J.Maul + D.R.G.M.). I have no idea if they ever were present. The shield with texts is a separate component that is attached with two screws on the scale housing.
Below some more pictures of this USUS letter & egg scale.

back of the scale
back of the USUS scale
the scale with eggs
trick with the eggs
[move pointer over the photo]
de weger met eieren
trick with an egg
[move pointer over the photo]
de weger met eieren
trick with salt and pepper set
[move pointer over the photo]

detail 1
left side
detail 2
detail 3
right side
detail 4
the model name USUS
detail 5
large name plate of Philipp Jakob Maul
detail 6
patent indication D.R.G.M.
detail 7
up to 50 grams a stripe per gram, above this per five grams
detail 8
the well placed clear scale of measurement
detail 9
the weighing range is 500 grams
detail 1
this egg weighs 75 grams
detail 2
the lowering in the middle is well suitable to hold an egg
detail 3
this egg weighs 50 grams
detail 4
a stately design
detail 5
nice scale housing
detail 6
view at the back
detail 7
the two versions of USUS
detail 8
the dark red is a bit rare
detail 9
the two USUS colors
detail 1
USUS bottom
detail 2
USUS bottom
bruine lijn
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