egg scale
Jakob Maul

maker: Jakob Maul aus Zell, Germany
bruine lijn
egg scale, maker Jakob Maul
egg scale made by Jakob Maul

This egg scale has the JM logo of Jakob Maul from Zell in Germany. The scale also has the engraving D.R.G.M.. This is the abbreviation of Deutsches Reich Gebrauchs Muster. This is a model registration, quicker and cheaper than a patent registration. I did not find the papers to proof this D.R.G.M.. The scale of 100grams has a stripe of measure for each gram. Thanks to the cream color reading the scale is easy. The cup shaped egg holder is made of brass. The frame is of cast iron. The original packaging box is still present. This egg scale is in a Jakob Maul catalog of presumably 1931 under number 639. The label tells the box contains 1/12th of a dozen, or just 1 piece.
Below some more photos of this egg scale.

back of the scale
back of the egg scale
scale with egg
egg scale with egg
without and with egg
[move pointer over the photo]
without egg and with egg
scale with egg
egg scale with eggs

detail 1
D.R.G.M. = Deutsches Reich Gebrauchs Muster
detail 2
per gram a stripe up to 100 grams
detail 3
the JM logo of Jakob Maul
detail 4
solid cast iron swivel base
detail 5
bottom of frame
detail 6
a brass egg cup
detail 7
the egg scale on top of the original packaging box
detail 8
catalog number 639/weighing range 100 grams and 1/12th dozen = 1 piece
detail 9
an easy-to-read measurement scale
bruine lijn
« collection part 18 «© copyright André Solversion: October 25, 2017