letter scale

maker: unknown, Germany
bruine lijn
letter scale, unknown maker
letter scale, unknown maker, Germany

This rare letter scale has a mythological dragon as a frame. I don't know who made it, nor when. Most likely the scale was made in Germany. This letter scale has two weighing ranges: 50 grams and 250 grams. The 50 grams scale has a stripe of measure per each gram. The 250 grams scale has a stripe per each five grams.
Until now I have only seen this letter scale with these 50g and 250g ranges.
Below some more pictures of this beautiful letter scale.

back of the scale
the beautiful backside
enamel scale
the two positions of the counterweight
[move the pointer over the photo]
the two positions of the counterweight
on the back are beautiful patterns

detail 1
up to 50 grams stripes of measure per gram and
up to 250 grams stripes of measure per 5 grams
detail 2
special patterns in the frame
detail 3
reversing the counterweight changes the weighing range
detail 4
also at the back is this special pattern
detail 5
the upper pivots
detail 6
side view
detail 7
the dragon as a beautiful scale base
detail 8
the head of the dragon [front]
detail 9
the graceful part of the letter scale [front]
detail 7
the dragon as a beautiful scale base
detail 8
the head of the dragon [back]
detail 9
the graceful part of the letter scale [back]
detail 7
loaded by 50 grams in the 250 grams range
animation: [move the pointer over the photo]
unloaded and loaded by 50 grams in the 50 grams range
detail 9
loaded by 250 grams in the 250 grams range
detail 7
the zero leveling screw
detail 8
bottom view
detail 9
the dragon part
detail 8
detail 7
the beautiful frame
detail 8
bruine lijn
« collection part 18 «© copyright André Solversion: October 25, 2017