egg sorting scale

maker: Gottlieb Kern & Sohn, Albstadt, Germany
bruine lijn
egg grader, maker Kern, Germany
Kern egg grader

This egg sorting scale was made by the firm Gottlieb Kern & Sohn from Albstadt in Germany. The scale has the egg classes 1 through 7 above the scale in grams. This grams scale goes from 40 to 75. The egg sorting scale was presented for the first time in the Kern catalog of 1978 as model 552. The last entry is in the Kern catalog of 2005. On the egg graders as from 1996 the egg classes were changed to S (<53 grams), M (between 53 grams and 63 grams), L (between 63 grams and 73 grams) and XL (more than 73 grams). After 2005 the model was still sold by the firm Schumann from Sillerup in Germany. Now Wöhrmann Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH sells the last items that are still in stock. The Kern egg scale is the successor to the Hartner egg scale, see here. At Kern the scale housing and egg holder became plastic instead of aluminum. In the tube under the egg holder holds the lead balls of calibration, an aluminum screw cap closes the tube. A red rotary knob is at the bottom of the scale. During normal scale use this knob is rotated outwards to its max. To protect the weighing mechanism during transport the red knob is turned inwards as much as possible, this locks the movement of the mechanism. It is thereby absolutely essential that the egg holder is pressed down in such a way that the pointer is between 55 and 60 grams. After this, the egg holder must be removed from the aluminum tube. The Kern Eiersortierwaage (German for egg sorting scale) has just like the Hartner and the Fabian a magnetic damping and its own 50 grams check weight.
Below some more images of the Kern 552 egg grading scale.

back of the scale
back of the scale
animation: [move the pointer over the photo]
the mechanism and the weighing of an egg
on the left is the magnetic damper
animation: [move the pointer over the photo]
on the left is the magnetic damper
the mechanism returns to its unloaded rest position

detail 1
test with the 50 grams check weight
detail 2
the spirit level has a large air bubble
detail 3
plastic egg holder on top of the housing
detail 4
front view weighing mechanism
detail 5
rear view weighing mechanism
detail 6
the 2 magnet holders near the copper segment
detail 7
the scale behind the glass of the scale house
detail 8
the egg classes are above the weight in grams
detail 9
this KERN Eiersortierwaage with Nr.82903 from 1982
detail 10
red rotary knob of transport security
detail 11
at the front two adjustable feet + fixed foot center back
detail 12
transport lock turned inwards
detail 13
the scale house behind the weighing mechanism
detail 14
the scale house is placed over the scale mechanism
detail 15
the brand name KERN on the front of the house
detail 16
test with the 50 grams check weight
detail 17
the pointer indicates 50 grams exactly
detail 18
the check weight next to the egg cup
detail 19
transport damage of the plastic scale house
detail 20
lead calibration grains go into the tube
detail 21
the transport damage was repaired with instant glue
bruine lijn
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