egg scale

maker: Ph.J. Maul, Germany
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egg grading scale, maker Ph.J. Maul
Ph.J. Maul egg scale with egg weight classes 1 to 7

This egg scale was made by Philipp Jakob Maul from Hamburg in Germany. The chart has beautiful colors. The weight classes for eggs are indicated by the numbers 1 up to 7 inclusive. The chart is also subdivided in grams, from 40 till 80 grams. The poise can be switched from position zero into position 40-80. In the zero position the scale starts at zero grams, and in the 40-80 position the scale starts at 40 grams. Also a slightly different and older design of the Ph.J. Maul egg scale exists with the capitals S, A, B, C, en D for the different weight classes of the eggs, see this egg scale.
The egg weight classes were indicated with letters on the German egg market as early as 1929. In the German Calibration Regulations (Eichordnung) of January 24, 1942, paragraph 648 describes the letters: S (>65g), A (60 - 65g), B (55 - < 60g), C (50 - <55g), en D (45 - <50g) and the weight class Aussortiert or Aussort. (<45g). The chart of the Fabian Celler egg sorting scale goes from 30 to 80 grams. Above this chart are the egg weight classes indicated by red colored letters. Klein = 30g-45g; D = 45g-50g; C = 50g-55g; B = 55g-60g; A = 60g-65g; S = 65g-80g. The Fabian was first sold in 1956. The Hartner, this is another egg sorting scale from Germany, has a chart ranging from 40 to 75 grams. Above this chart are the weight classes with letters in colored areas. E = 40g-45g; D = 45g-50g; C = 50g-55g; B = 55g-60g; A = 60g-65g; S = 65g-75g. The first versions of the Hartner had no colored areas, only red letters are placed above the grams on the chart. The word Klein is there in place of the letter E. The Fabian and the Hartner are egg scales suited for certification. This was required by the government in case of use for professional trade. When approved, the calibration mark was stamped in a lead strip on the base plate of the scale. These certifiable egg scales were required to have a calibrated control weight of 50 grams. this must be present in a recess on the egg scale. I do not know whether egg grading scales had to be calibrated before 1942 for professional use. The egg scales of Ph.J. Maul are not suited for certification.

back of egg scale
back of the egg scale

The egg marking with letters was replaced in Europe in 1968 by egg marking with the numbers 1 to 7.(In Germany only as of July 1969).
This egg scale reads:
        1 yellow = > 70g
        2 green = 70 > 65g
        3 blue = 65 > 60g
        4 white = 60 > 55g
        5 green = 55 > 50g
        6 red = 50 - 45g
        7 white = < 45g
The company Ph.J. Maul existed until August 1989. From when to when Ph.J. Maul exactly made egg scales is unknown to me. This egg scale with the numbers 1 to 7 dates from between 1968/1969 and at most 1989. The egg scale with the egg weight classes indicated by letters probably dates from between 1929 and 1968/1969. German scale catalogs from the period 1921 to 1950 only contain egg scales with a scale in grams.
In the European Economic Community, as of August 1, 1996, the egg weight classification was simplified to four classes:
        S (for Small), is less than 53 grams
        M (for Medium-sized), from 53 to 63 grams
        L (for Large), is from 63 to 73 grams
        XL (for eXtra Large), is 73 grams and more
The height of this egg scale is 24 centimeters. The slanted scale (= concav positioned) is made of colored enamel. The egg cup is made of aluminum. On the back of the cast iron frame is barely readable the code 300/260 and above it very vaguely the M logo of Ph.J. Maul.
Below some more pictures of this colorful egg scale.

the egg scale in use
it is a class 4 egg
de twee posities van het contragewicht
Animation: flip the counterweight
[move the pointer over the photo]
the egg scale in use
it is a class 4 egg
detail 1
the position indication 40 - 80 grams
for the pendulum weight
detail 2
the colored clear scale
detail 3
the position indication 0 gram
for the pendulum weight
detail 4
the concav placed scale goes up to 80 grams
detail 5
small eggs of class 7 weigh less than 45 grams
detail 6
the lower limit is 0 or 40 grams
detail 7
the egg scale with letters on the left, the scale with numbers on the right
detail 8
an egg scale triplets
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