Narcisse Briais
letter scale

maker: Narcisse Briais, Paris, France
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Narcisse Briais
the tiniest letter scale of Narcisse Briais

This letter scale is really very small. The weighing range is 20 grams. There is a stripe of measure per gram up to 15 grams. In addition, the value 7½ is indicated separately. The unit of measure gram (or grammes, or GR, or G, or Gramm) is not on the scale. The letter scale was made by Narcisse-Eugène Briais from Paris in France. Usually referred to as Narcisse Briais. The scale has the NB logo, below it the word DÉPOSÉ, suggesting a protection. Sixty millimeters is the maximum length, measured from the retaining ring to the ball of the counterweight. Funny is that while taking photos to illustrate the small size of this letter scale, it turned out that a 1 euro coin weighs exactly 7½ grams. That turns out to be correct, a 1 euro coin weighs exactly 7.50 grams according to the official specifications. More letter scales from Briais are listed here, there are many more.
Below some more pictures of this tiny letter scale made by Narcisse Briais.

achterzijde weger
back of the letter scale

detail 1
loaded with a weight of 5 grams
detail 2
small letter scale in large palm
detail 3
range 20 grams, the NB logo and the word DÉPOSÉ
detail 4
the letter scale with a 1 euro coin
detail 5
1 euro weighs exactly 7½ grams
detail 6
the Italian 1 euro coin
detail 7
next to a SOL advertising bottle cap
detail 8
next to a golf ball
detail 9
next to a golf ball and a 1 euro coin
bruine lijn
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