letter scale

maker: Becker & Buddingh, Arnhem, The Netherlands
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Becker & Buddingh
letter scale, maker Becker & Buddingh

This letter scale comes from Becker & Buddingh from Arnhem in the Netherlands. The weighing range is 100 grams. The unit of measure GRAM is clearly marked on the scale between the values 50 and 40. The chart of 100 grams has a stripe of measure for each gram. The suspension point of the letter tray is the highest point, namely 32 centimeters. The upright is 29.5 cm high. Previously a much larger scale from Becker & Buddingh is already shown, see here, that scale goes up to 500 grams. Read more detailed information about the Becker & Buddingh company on that page.
Below some more pictures of this Becker & Buddingh letter scale.

back of the letter scale
back of the letter scale
scale detail
the scale has a stripe of measure per gram
there is another division per five grams
scale detail
the window with the wire makes reading easy
scale detail
per gram and per five grams there is a subdivision and in addition
there are stripes and figures per ten grams on this scale

detail 2
the maker's name on the letter scale: Becker & Buddingh from Arnhem
detail 1
the reading wire appears to be replaced
detail 3
just past 100 grams
detail 4
the detached letter tray
detail 5
the reading window
detail 6
the brass zero leveling screw
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« collection part 21 «© copyright André Solversion: October 31, 2020