Selbstrechnende Briefwage
Self-calculating letter scale

maker: unknown, Germany
bruine lijn
Blitz letter scale, maker unknown
Blitz the self-calculating letter scale

I don't know who made this special letter scale. The scale reads Selbstrechnende Briefwage BLITZ D.R.G.M. Auslandpatente angem. (German, translated: self-calculating letter scale BLITZ D.R.G.M. Foreign patents registered). I couldn't find a German patent, a Deutsches Reich GebrauchsMuster yet, by the way, no foreign patents of this letter scale either. The special feature of this scale is that the surface above the scale of measurement is completely filled with a brass surface printed with German postal rates. The surface is fixed with 7 rivets on the scale and scale arms. This letter scale has a long vertical reading strip that extends from the main pivot point to beyond the scale. The postage due for several types of mail can be read directly here. From top to bottom it says:
Warenproben (= Samples) from 0 to 250g costs 10 Pf, from 250g to 350g costs 20Pf.
Geschäftspapiere (= Deeds) from 0 to 250g costs 10Pf, from 250g to 500g costs 20Pf, above 500g costs 30 Pf.
Drucksachen (= Printed Matter) from 0 to 50g costs 3 Pf, from 50g to 100g costs 5 Pf, from 100g to 250g costs 10 Pf, from 250g to 500g costs 20 Pf.
Briefe ( = Letters) for local postal traffic 0 - 250g costs 5 Pf, for other postal traffic from 0 to 20g costs 10 Pf, and from 20g to 250g costs 20 Pf.
The validity period of these postal rate types differs, the shortest period applies to the rate of the Warenproben, the Samples, namely from January 1, 1899 to July 1, 1906. Because on April 1, 1900 the letter weight limit was changed from 15 grams to 20 grams and this weight limit is on this letter scale, the period of the Blitz can be shortened to April 1, 1900 - July 1, 1906. [Source used: Michel Postgebühren-Handbuch Deutschland, 2001].
Below some more pictures of the rare BLITZ letter scale.

back of the letter scale
back of the Blitz letter scale

detail 2
in old spelling: Briefwage and the model name BLITZ
scale detail
the area with various German postal types and their rates
valid from April 1, 1900 to July 1, 1906
detail 2
self-calculating letter scale BLITZ
D.R.G.M. Foreign patents registered
detail 7
the main pivot point
detail 8
the upper pivot point in the vertical upright
detail 9
the letter plate from above
scale detail
the types of mail have different colors
scale base
the scale base with two fixed and one adjustable foot
scale detail
the long metal strip is the pointer
detail 1
Warenproben = Samples, up to 250g and up to 350g
detail 2
Geschäftspapiere = Deeds, up to above 500g
detail 3
Drucksachen = Printed Matter, up to above 500g
detail 4
Briefe = Letters, up to 20g and up to 250g
detail 5
the first rate limit for letters is 20g
detail 6
explanatory text
bruine lijn
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