letter scale

maker Jakob Maul
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Jakob Maul
letter scale

This letter scale has a fine enamel chart. The cast iron base of the frame bears the JM logo: this is a scale made by Jakob Maul. The vertical standard and the top horizontal girder are folded of tin plate. Both have a characteristic little bend. Most parts are connected by riveting. At some places, for instance the U shaped frame part that supports the main axis, the connections are made by spot welding. The scale has a turn-over counterweight. The ranges are 100 and 500 grams. The 100 grams chart has a stripe per gram, not every unit of tens has figures. The 500 grams chart has a stripe each five grams. At this chart every unit of tens has a figure, see the photos below.

rear of scale
rear of scale
the two positions of the pendulum
animation: both starting-
positions of the scale

This design also exist with other ranges: 50 with 250 grams and 60 with 350 grams, this one for the French market. Both designs also have a short horizontal part of the girder, the bend, below. At similar models with higher ranges of 250/1000 grams and 100/600/2000 grams (the model Triatax) the short horizontal part is above. Below some more photos of this letter scale.

detail 1
cast iron frame base
detail 2
stripe per 1g and below per 5g
detail 3
pendulum unfolded down
detail 4
pendulum folded up
detail 5
JM-logo at the frame base
with loose pan and flat plate
two different tops
bruine lijn
« Sol collection: part 3«       © copyright André Sol version: April 25, 2004