letter scale

maker: unknown, France
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker unknown
French letter scale

There is no brand or logo on this letter scale. It is certain that it is a scale from France. The scale goes up to 350 grams, a typical French weight limit. Up to 60 grams there is a stripe of measure per five grams. Above 60 grams to 350 grams, the scale has one stripe per ten grams. The height is 16 centimeters, the dimensions of the base plate are 8 x 13.5 centimeters. The letter scale is heavily rusted. The model has many similarities with this French letter scale.
Below are some more pictures of this letter scale.

back of the letter scale
back of the letter scale
scale detail
up to 60 grams per five grams a stripe of measure
scale detail
the clear scale
scale detail
from 60 to 350 grams per ten grams a stripe of measure

detail 1
the letter plateau
detail 2
quite rusted
detail 3
base plate with adjusting screw
bruine lijn
« collection part 24 «© copyright André Solversion: November 1, 2021