letter scale

maker Jakob Maul
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Jakob Maul
letter scale

This letter scale has the JM logo of Jakob Maul at the rear of the cast iron part of the frame. The chart is clear and simple. It is a flat aluminum strip with black stripes and figures at a white background. The ranges are 50 grams and, with the pendulum downwards, 250 grams. In the range of 50 grams there is a division stripe per gram. The range of 250 grams is subdivided by stripes per 5 grams. The rotatable foot of the base is made of steel strip. The mechanism and plate are chromed. The arm of the pendulum has the folloeing texts: NIET VOOR HANDELSDOELEINDEN (Dutch translated: not to be used for trade) and NON VERIFIE PAR L'ETAT (French translated: not calibrated by the government). This frame also has the characteristic Jakob Maul bend in the horizontal and vertical part of the black frame. Below some more photos of this letter scale.

rear of the scale
rear of the scale
the two positions of the counterweight
animation: the two positions
of the counterweight

detail 1
fork of the mechanism
detail 2
chromed parts
detail 3
aluminum chart
detail 4
stripe per 5g
detail 5
niet voor handelsdoeleinden
non verifie par l'etat 
detail 6
250 grams maximum
detail 7
zero leveling screw
detail 8

detail 9
rotatable foot made
of steel strip
bruine lijn
« Sol collection: part 3«       © copyright André Sol version: April 25, 2004