
unknown maker, Germany
bruine lijn
inkstand with letter scale, unknown maker
inkstand with letter scale on a black glass plate

This ink set has two removable inkwells and a letter scale mounted on a black glass base. In addition, there are two supports on which dip pens and other writing utensils can be placed. On the bottom of the glass plate, four rubber feet at the corners ensure a scratch-free setup on the writing desk. The scale is a small Columbus bilateral letter scale by Philipp Jakob Maul. The weighing ranges are 0-20 grams and 20-60 grams. The name Columbus is on the back of the stand. On the front are two German patent numbers DRP 167192 & 184690 and an Austrian patent 25487. There is some more information about these patents earlier on this website, see this Columbus letter scale. The same arrangement of two inkwells with another letter scale on a black glass base plate also exists.
Below are some more images of this ink set with letter scale.

back of the inkstand with letter scale
back of the inkstand with letter scale
side view
side view
place a dip pen on the supports
animation: place a dip pen on the supports
[move the pointer over the photo]
side view
side view

inkstand and scale
the German patents DRP 167192 & 184690
and the Austrian patent 25487
the inkwells open or closed
animation: the inkwells open or closed
[move the pointer over the photo]
inkstand with letter scale
the scale name Columbus
detail 1
marks per gram in both weighing ranges
detail 2
a beautiful symmetry
detail 3
marks per gram in both weighing ranges
detail 4
the reflective glass plate
detail 5
the inkwells removed
detail 6
the opened ink wells in front of the base plate
detail 7
two dip pens and a pencil on the supports
detail 8
the bottom shows the five mountings
detail 9
the letter scale is loaded with its maximum of 60 grams
detail 10
the unloaded letter scale
detail 11
the letter scale is loaded with 20 grams
detail 12
the letter scale has the maximum load of 60 grams
bruine lijn
« collection part 26 «© copyright André Solversion: November 28, 2023