maker: Ferdinand and Karl Koch, Hannover, Germany
bruine lijn
parcel and letter scale, maker Koch
parcel and letter scale, maker Koch, Germany

The enamel dial reads Koch's Paquet & Brief Waage, translated: Parcel & Letter Scale by Koch. The scale was probably made by the Patent-Waagenfabrik Gebrüder Koch, these are the brothers Carl and Ferdinand Koch who had a company of that name in Hannover, Germany from 1884-1897. This dial also says Patent. It appears that this scale is a combination of several patented constructions, see the figures below of patent DE62152 and DE63281, both patents were published in 1892. In Maß und Gewicht no.30 of June 1994 on pp695 and pp697-700 the Koch's Paquet & Brief-Waage is described by Dirk Schmitz. In it patent DE56587 from 1891 is mentioned as the patent belonging to this weighing scale. That does not seem correct to me. Equilibrium published a translation of the article in 1995, see EQM 1995 issue No. 3, pp1917 and pp1919-1923. The specimen described has a slightly different indication of the parcel weighing range on the dial, 12 KIo instead of 12 Ko. It also says

back of the scale
back of the old scale

Ohne Federkraft and Oest.Ung. Patent. translated: Without Spring Force and Austrian-Hungarian Patent. The designation Ohne Federkraft and the specification Oest.Ung. Patent. for being patented are not on my copy. At the bottom of this page is the dial of a Koch scale that weighs up to 15 kilos. The letter scale part is missing from the scale in the article.
My copy bought on an auction site also lacked the letter scale part, the pointer turned out to be bent, fortunately a loose part came with the scale. After viewing and moving the partially assembled scale, and looking at several patents held by Koch, I added a letter scale section, thus completing the scale again. It became clear where the loose part had to be placed, and the dimensions for the stabilizing rods were provisionally determined using two flat popsicle sticks. A bracket folded from welding wire was attached to the now no longer loose part to hang weights on. In this way the weight of the letter tray to be made with a supporting bracket was determined. The size of the missing letter plate, the thickness of the brass plate and the sizes of the supporting bracket were devised by me. Later the popsicle sticks were replaced by steel strips. The pointers are correctly set to zero after the refurbishment and both the parcel scale and the letter scale are working again. The pointer is driven by a segment of a large gear on a small gear on the pointer shaft. A strange detail is that this shaft also has a wheel with a chain with a small weight attached to it, which probably pulls the play in one direction. Unfortunately, the chain can come out of the wheel during transport of the scale and then block the pointer movement. Disassembling the cover cap on the back of the dial is then necessary to place the chain with weight back in the running wheel, this is an annoying job. The height of the scale is 21.5 centimeters, the wooden plate measures 26 x 19 cm. The surface of the brass letter plate is 10 x 12 cm.
A kitchen scale from Koch has been shown before, see here, this scale also has a large cast iron frame.
Below are some more images of this old parcel & letter scale made by the Koch brothers. Finally, an image from the Verkehrszeitung und industrielle Rundschau from 1893, the Koch scale was briefly discussed on page 8.

side view
side view
animation: loaded with 150 grams
animation: the letter plate loaded with 150 grams
the hand does indeed move to the left, counterclockwise
[move the pointer over the photo]
side view
side view
detail 1
there are two weighing ranges:
on the inner circle with the short hand part up to 500 grams per 5 grams
on the outer circle with the long hand part up to 12 kilos per 50 grams
place the 200 grams weight on the letter plate
animation: place the 200 grams weight on the letter plate
[move the pointer over the photo]
detail 2
Paquet & Brief
12 Ko
detail 3
schematically drawn:
the letter scale part with parallelogram with on the left the large counterweight
it includes a threaded end with a spherical head
with this the double pointer can be set to zero
detail 4
the slightly different dial from the article in Maß und Gewicht:
Paquet & Brief
12 KIo
Ohne Federkraft
Oest.Ung. Patent.
detail 5
This bowl hangs in the same way as the letter scale part
in the weighing mechanism, also the gear segment
and the gear on the pointer shaft are identical
seen from the back of the scale (figure from patent DE63281)
detail 6
the parcel weighing part pulls on the arm with the counterweight via the steel belt
and the curve disc (figure from patent DE62152)
detail 7
the dial and the clockwise rotating double pointer in patent DE63281
the inner circle up to 900 or 1000? Gramm and the short pointer belong to the bowl
the outer circle up to 12 kilos with the long pointer belong to the large weighing dish
on the photographed parcel & letter scale the pointer turns counterclockwise
detail 8
it is very dusty, despite the cover on the back of the dial
detail 9
gear segment on gear and small weight on chain
detail 10
the still somewhat dirty enamel dial
detail 11
the wooden shelf and the cover on the back of the dial
have been removed to improve the view of the parts
detail 12
various parts are numbered with 3 or with N3
detail 13
image from the back, screwed plates
cover the knife edge bearings
detail 14
the support frame of the shelf is also marked N3
detail 15
the counterweight marked 3. and the thread with ball head
for fine adjustment
detail 16
the steel belt and the curve disk are visible on the left and top left
detail 17
dust and dirt have been removed here
detail 18
the small oval flat weight hangs from the chain
detail 19
the wheel on which the chain is wound
detail 20
the popsicle sticks became makeshift stabilizer bars
detail 21
view of the bottom of the scale
detail 22
the parcel scale shelf looks used
detail 23
the steel tension belt and the curve disk
detail 24
the steel tension belt and the curve disk
detail 25
the steel tension belt and the curve disk
detail 26
the popsicle sticks built in as makeshift stabilizer bars
detail 27
temporary bracket to use weights to determine
how heavy the letter plate to be made
with support may be
detail 28
the built-in popsicle sticks and on the right the temporary bracket
from which some weights hang
detail 29
the black painted metal stabilizer strips for the letter scale
detail 30
mounted here and the ends slightly bent to prevent loosening
detail 31
the new strips are not annoyingly noticeable
detail 32
the brass letter plate and the support folded from welding wire
detail 33
the letter plate is fixed to the support with 4 brass nails
detail 34
support fixed on the plate, the 4 nails are shortened and flattened
detail 35
back of the renovated and almost complete scale
detail 36
the letter plate is attached to the weighing mechanism
detail 37
the letter plate is attached to the weighing mechanism
two kilos on the parcel scale
animation: two kilos on the parcel scale
[move the pointer over the photo]
20 grams on the letter scale
animation: 20 grams on the letter scale
[move the pointer over the photo]
detail 38
two kilos on the parcel scale
detail 39
six kilos on the parcel scale
detail 40
ten kilos on the parcel scale
detail 41
back of the rebuilt and re-completed scale
detail 42
the cover has been reattached to the back of the dial
detail 43
details from the side
detail 44
an incomplete Koch scale on the cover
of Maß und Gewicht No. 30, June 1994
detail 45
detail of the front of an incomplete Koch scale
detail 46
an incomplete Koch scale on the cover
of Equilibrium 1995 issue No.3
the dial of a Koch scale weighing up to 15 kilos
Paquet & Brief
15 Ko
Ohne Federkraft
Oest.Ung. Patent.
the Koch scale for parcels and letters depicted in
Verkehrszeitung und industrielle Rundschau
from the year 1893 on page 8
N.B. this letter plate is not flat
bruine lijn
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