ARCA 125

maker: Jakob Maul
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Jakob Maul
letter scale ARCA 125

This letter scale is made by Jakob Maul and it's the lightest version from a series of scales with the name Arca. The range in grams is absorbed in the name: this is the Arca 125. The heavier specimens are the Arca 500, the Arca 1000, and the Arca 2000. It seems even a 10 kilos version does exist. The scale has a chart in grams and in ounces. The front has a gold colored ornamental frame. Also the base is colored gold. The tin housing is thoroughly painted brown. The chart is aluminum. The bottom is protected with cardboard with a soft foam layer. The foam is aged and partly already dried out to powder. The scale has a resetting spring. On top of the housing the spring can be finetuned by a nut. The 125 grams chart has a stripe per each gram.  Of the chart in ounces, each

rear of the scale
rear of the scale
Jakob Maul logo at chart
the Jakob Maul logo
plate mounted on scale, or not
animation: with
the scale plate
name of scale on the housing
the scale name: ARCA 125

ounce is subdivided into eight parts. Especially the reading of the grams chart is hard to do. The needle is too wide, looking towards the depth direction, it doesn't harmonize with the (too) fine sub-division of the grams chart. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

detail 1
chart window
detail 2
grams and ounces
detail 3
per eighth ounce
detail 4
Gr. and Oz.
detail 5
range 125g and 4.5oz.
detail 6
spring adjusting nut
detail 7
front view
detail 8
nice lines at the back
detail 9
soft foam covering
bruine lijn
« Sol collection: part 3«       © copyright André Sol version: April 25, 2004