The Dutch society of collectors of weights & measures, in Dutch called: de Gewichten en Maten Verzamelaars Vereniging, was founded in 1973. The society has well about 144 members. The collections concern old weights, measures and weighing instruments. A very limited number of the members collect letter scales. Yearly the society organizes three meetings for the members to buy, sell, exchange and gather information. Regularly the GMVV organizes a lecture or a small exhibition. Besides, at two meetings mentioned, auctions are held. Members can put up their objects for auction, and can add to their collections by buying. The list of the auction, with short descriptions, is send to the members in good time. Four times a year members receive the magnificent loose-leaf society-magazine: Meten & Wegen. For the collectors of weights, measures and or weighing instruments, it contains readable articles about domestic and foreign weights, cubic measures, linear measures, coin weights and coin boxes, weighing scales and also specific letter scales. It contains a questions column, an advertisements corner -free to members-. Also a regular column is given to the articles and main news in the corresponding magazines abroad. Besides, interesting auctions, exhibitions, internet addresses are published.
The annual membership fee for members abroad is Euro 60.00 (p.m.). This is inclusive a subscription to the quarterly magazine Meten & Wegen. Because of lower postal costs, local members pay a fee of 45 Euro per January 2025. For more information:
- by letter:
- Secretariat GMVV
- R.J. Holtman
- Boomgaardweg 51
- 3984 KH Odijk
- Nederland
| - Telefonisch:
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- [+31] (0)30-6570246
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| - by E-mail: editor Meten & Wegen
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- internet homepage: GMVV
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The German collectors are assembled in: Mass und Gewicht, Verein für Metrologie. This society was founded in 1987. The society has still about 270 members in fifteen different countries. The Germans also publish a magnificent society-magazine named: Mass und Gewicht Zeitschrift für Metrologie. The framework of the magazine is similar to the Dutch Meten & Wegen. The annual membership fee for people inside Europe is 35 Euro. For people outside Europe, the fee is 45 Euro, this because of higher postal costs. The fees are inclusive a subscription to the quarterly magazine Mass und Gewicht. To help reduce costs, you can also choose to receive the magazine digitally as a PDF file.
For more information:
The American collectors of weights and measures are assembled in the International Society of Antique Scale Collectors. The originally American society was founded in 1976. In 1993 the society was extended with ISASC Europe. This European branch was dissolved in March 2020. There are still approximately 160 members, mainly in the U.S.A.. The society publishes the quarterly magazine EQUILIBRIUM. This magazine focuses more on scales. The annual membership fee, inclusive a subscription to the quarterly magazine, is $78.00 (US Dollars) per year via PayPal, or via Check $75.00 per year. For people outside the U.S.A. it's $98.00 (US Dollars) per year via PayPal, or via Check $95.00 per year. (That is $20.00 more because of higher costs of postage). Payment for two or three years gives some discount. As a member you can also receive the quarterly magazine digitally as a PDF file at the same time.
For more information:
- by letter:
Allan Rodin - 620 Ballantrae Dr. Apt. A
- Northbrook, IL 60062
- by phone:
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- [+1] 224-213-7335
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- E-mail Membership: Allan Rodin
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- the USA website: ISASC
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- the European website: ISASC (E)
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The French weights and measures collectors are united in the Société métrique de France. The association was founded in 1978. The association publishes three or four times a year the magazine Le Système métrique. It is mainly focused on scales, weights, and measurements. Membership, including a subscription to the magazine, is for residents of France 35 , and for other Europeans 40 per year.
For more information:
- by letter:
- SmF
Bernard Garault (president) - 27 Avenue de la Libération
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| - by phone:
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- [0033] 6 31 85 78 49
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| - E-mail: René Le Guillou (secretary)
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- the SmF website: Société métrique de France
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