letter scale

maker: Jakob Maul
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker J. Maul
JMAZ letter scale

JMAZ is engraved at the front of this letter scale. This is the abbreviation of Jakob Maul Aus Zell. (Jakob Maul from the village Zell). This scale has a different leveling mechanism. The whole scale can be put oblique at the base to adjust the indicator to zero. This new adjusting mechanism is described in the German patent DE555627. It was granted on July 25 1932 to the firm Jakob Maul in Zell. The mechanism was invented to prevent scratches on table surfaces. The usual zero leveling screws cause such scratches. The letter scale of the patent figure has a movable chart and a fixed pointer. This letter scale has a fixed chart and a movable indicator. The patent only proves that the idea of this mechanism dates from 1932. This letter scale probably is of a more recent date. The letter scale has a capacity of  250 grams.  The chart shows a

back of the scale
back of the scale
leveling mechanism
front view of the
patented mechanism
patent figure
figure of the German patent
number 555627 from 1932
zero leveling mechanism
back view of the
patented zero leveling

stripe per gram up to 150 grams. Above 150 grams there is a stripe per five grams. Every area of ten grams is subdivided in half by a chequered band at the lower edge of the chart. Before several JMAZ scales were presented, see for instance the 100 grams version. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

detail 1
stripes of measure per gram
up to 150 grams
detail 2
rectangular plate
detail 3
capacity 250 grams
detail 4
name JMAZ
detail 5
part of the base
detail 6
zoomed in on name
bruine lijn
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