letter scale

maker: Ph.J. Maul
bruine lijn
letter scale D.R.G.M., maker Ph.J. Maul
letter scale with
D.R.G.M. numbers

Although the mark of Ph.J. Maul can't be found on this letter scale, it's with great certainty a letter scale of Ph.J. Maul. The model can be found on a poster of Ph.J. Maul under position number Pos. 22, with Art. No. 360 / 350. The number 360 is at the back of the frame, probably this is the model number. Also at the back the text: Ges. Geschützt is given. This means: protected by law. The 350 is the range of this scale. At the turnable foot the number 52 is set, I don't know the meaning. In the literature ±1905 is given as the date of manufacture (Rübenthal). The M-mark of Maul starts only in 1909, so it's logical it's not on this scale. At the chart, the D.R.G.M. numbers 168741 en 179460 are given. D.R.G.M. is the abbreviation of Deutsches Reich Gebrauchs Muster. This is a model registration, quicker and cheaper than a patent registration. I don't know why there are two numbers. I still don't possess copies of the registration papers.

rear view
rear view of the
letter scale
This letter scale is also on the old poster with almost 100 scales of Philipp Jakob Maul under position number 22 and has the article number 360 / 350. At the poster this scale has only one D.R.G.M. number at the chart, namely the No. 168741   »»
detail of poster of Ph.J. Maul

For the greater part the mechanisme is hided behind the graceful frame. At the back a small protrusion limits the movements of the mechanism. This stop acts to the left (<0g) and to the right (>350g) of the range. The letter scale has a turn-over counterweight. The chart of 100 grams has a division stripe per each gram. This chart is easy to read. The ease of reading is further increased by the concav positioning of the enameled chart: the chart is slightly inclined out of the plane of movement of the mechanism, towards the eyes of the user, and this makes reading more convenient. At the 350 grams chart a division stripe is given each 5 grams. The letter scale has a certain symmetrical shape and looks attractive. Below some more detailed photos of this letter scale.

detail 1
top view
detail 2
worn plate
detail 3
top of frame
detail 4
frontal side view
detail 5
ornamental frame
detail 6
concav chart
detail 7
number 52 in turnable foot
detail 8
nr.360 and text Ges. Geschützt
detail 9
clenched indicator strip
detail 10
beautiful symmetrical shape
detail 11
mechanism at the back
detail 12
elegant turnable foot
detail 13
easy readable chart
detail 14
easy readable chart
detail 15
range 100g / 350g
bruine lijn
« Sol collection: part 1«       © copyright André Sol version: February 16, 2009