letter scale

maker: unknown, Germany
bruine lijn
letter scale, unknown maker
letter scale

I don't know who made this letter scale. It has no mark or logo. Only the figure 108 is on the scale. Probably this letter scale is not from Ph.J. Maul. Maul has produced similar models, see for instance letter scale. The top of the cast iron frame differs and also the main bearing is different. The lever with the counterweight of the Ph.J. Maul is placed at the back side, here at the front. The Maul has a concav placed scale, the letter scale presented here has a normal placed scale. This scale has two ranges: 100 grams and 500 grams. Therefore it has a turn-over counterweight. The 100 grams scale has a stripe per gram. The 500 grams scale has a stripe per five grams. The cast iron frame has a beautiful relief. Below some more pictures of this letter scale.

rear of the scale
rear of the scale

detail 1
the main pivot
detail 2
side view of the main pivot
detail 4
figure 108 left on the scale
detail 5
ranges 100g and 500g
detail 7
frame with a beautiful relief
bruine lijn
« collection part 14 «© copyright André Solversion: February 12, 2012