letter scale with stamp dispenser

bruine lijn
letter scale
letter scale

The box reads Desk Post Office and printed in Japan. This combination of a letter scale and a stamp dispenser does not bear any mark. The range is 2 oz. Each half ounce is subdivided into ten! parts. There are specimens with and without commercials for firms or organizations. The texts are stamped or sticker-attached. Mostly on the black base plate, sometimes on the side of the stamp dispenser. The bottom of the base is covered with a felt layer. A slightly different model has a calendar added into the rectangular dispenser. The calendar is set with the turning knob.

weighing a letter
detail 1
front of packing box
animation with stamp
animation: stamp?
detail 2
stamp dispenser
photo 3
with sticker of ZONTA
detail 3
10 stripes per half ounce
beeld 4
post office with extra floor
beeld 5
post office for a smaller desk
beeld 6
with calendar at the dispenser
bruine lijn
« Sol collection: part 2«       © copyright André Sol version: April 18, 2004