egg scale

maker: Philipp Jakob Maul, Hamburg, Germany
bruine lijn
egg scale, maker Ph.J. Maul
Ph.J. Maul egg scale

This egg scale was made by Philipp Jakob Maul from Hamburg in Germany. This design also was sold as letter scale, see this little concav letter scale. The letter was then placed on a round plate with a lowering. This round plate is replaced by an egg-cup to transform it into an egg scale. Like the letter scale, this egg scale has a weighing range of 100 grams. The scale has a stripe of measure per each gram. The egg-cup is aluminum. The black painted frame is folded out of tin. The M-logo of Ph.J. Maul is placed at a strip of the scale mechanism.
Below some more pictures of this egg scale.

back of the egg scale
back of the egg scale
egg scale
egg scale with an egg
weighing an egg
egg scale with eggs

detail 1
the aluminum egg-cup
detail 2
the M-logo of Philipp Jakob Maul
detail 3
the Concav scale up to 100 grams
detail 4
tilted, seen from behind
detail 5
the egg scale with eggs
detail 6
tilted, frontal view
detail 7
lying egg scale
detail 8
seen from below
bruine lijn
« collection part 18 «© copyright André Solversion: July 21, 2017