modern pocket scale

made in China
bruine lijn
scale in grams

This modern pocket scale is made in China. At one side the scale of measurement is in grams, on the other side the scale is in ounces. The ranges are 100g and 4oz. It's not done exactly right at this little scale, because with the one pointer at 4oz. the pointer at the other side almost has reached 100g. And this while 4 ounces should be equal to 113.4 grams. The shape of this scale isn't new, only the letter clip is a more modern design. All parts are shining chromed. This makes the reading difficult. A separately constructed, more expensive pendulum weight is applied. The closing spring force of the letter clip is annoyingly high. The indicator could use a sharper point and a different color. This pocket scale is supplied in a black and partly transparent plastic cover. The cover reads: made in China. The cover has a separate compartment to hold stamps. Below some more photos of this letter scale.

scale in ounces

detail 1
shining looks
detail 2
till 1oz, each ¼oz is divided in
five!, from 1 till 1½oz is divided in
five!; from 1½ till 2oz is
subdivided in four! Above
2oz there's a stripe per ½oz
detail 3
made in China
detail 4
separate pendulum
detail 5
letter clip
detail 6
difficult to read
bruine lijn
« Sol collection: part 2«       © copyright André Sol version: April 18, 2004