letter scale

maker: Narcisse Briais, Paris, France
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Narcisse Briais
Narcisse Briais letter scale

This letter scale from France bears the brand N.B. by Narcisse Briais. I put the letter scale on this non-original stepped hexagonal wooden base. When purchased, this scale stood on a detonating ugly square block of marble. The brass scale part is quite old. The weight limits 5, 7½ and 15 grams are on the measuring scale. The 7½ grams was a letter rate limit in France until January 1, 1862. The rest of the scale is subdivided per ten grams. The weighing range is 100 grams. Other specimens go up to 60 grams or up to 300 grams. On other size scales of this model, the values 45 and 75 grams are sometimes also stated. On yet other scales of this model are the values 22½ and 37½ listed separately. Sometimes the designation G is missing for grammes. The word DÉPOSÉ is under the N.B. brand. Déposé means that a protection has been obtained on the design. This model letter scale with a round letter plate has been shown before, see here and also here, both scales are of the N.B. brand. The same model of scale and counterweight can also be seen with a hanging letter rack see here a scale without a brand, and here in a version of again Narcisse Briais.
The diameter of the letter plateau is 6.3 centimeters, the height of the letter scale including the wooden base is 21 centimeters.
Below are some more images of this letter scale by Narcisse Briais.

back of the letter scale
back of the letter scale
Briais letter scale
no load and maximum load
animation: no load and maximum load
[move the pointer over the photo]
Briais letter scale

detail 1
logo N.B. and DÉPOSÉ
detail 2
unit of measure G [= Grammes], the values 7½ and 15 are marked
detail 3
the maximum reading is 100 G [= Grammes]
detail 4
view of the brass letter plate
detail 5
the stepped hexagonal wooden base
detail 6
the scale protrudes through the vertical part
detail 7
Narcisse Briais letter scale
detail 8
three brass supports at the bottom of the wooden base
detail 9
the stem of the letter plate fits into the vertical tube
bruine lijn
« collection part 23 «© copyright André Solversion: September 18, 2021