maker unknown, probably from Germany
bruine lijn
letter scale, unknown maker
letter scale

I do not know the maker of this old letter scale. An advertisement from 1870 with a similar letter scale suggests that this scale came from Germany. The letter scale has an isosceles base, a special shape of the letter platform and a measuring scale fixed on only one side. The letter scale is probably quite old. The weighing range is 250 grams. The scale has a stripe per five grams. The unit of measurement grams has the abbreviation G. That is a bit strange for a German scale. The brass upright has a square cross-section. On the bottom of one of three legs it says VII. The adjusting screw and the letter tray bear the number 14. A somewhat similar copy was previously shown with a weighing range of 125 grams, see this one. The base, the letter tray, the counterweight, the reading and the upright are designed differently. The letter scale is 25.2 cm high. The letter tray is 7.7 cm wide. I couldn't find an image in a catalog. I did find the advertisements below with an image of somewhat similar letter scales.
Below are some more images of this old letter scale.

back of the scale
back of the scale
advert 1870
advertisement in Archiv für Buchdruckerkunst und
verwandte Geschäftszweige bd.7 1870
advert 1876
advertisement in Führer durch die Bergstrasse und den
Odenwald, sowie Frankfurt a. M., Taunus und Rheingau 1876
advert 1870
advertisement in Schwäbischer Merkur 1870
side view
side view
two weighing loads
animation: 50 or 250 grams on the scale
[move the pointer over the photo]
side view
side view

detail 1
weighing range is 250 grams
detail 2
the square upright
detail 3
the suspension of the letter tray
detail 4
the pear-shaped counterweight
detail 5
adjusting screw and letter tray have the number 14
detail 6
special shape of the letter tray
detail 7
the 15 grams is also mentioned
detail 8
the unit of measurement is only indicated by the letter G
detail 9
the sturdy cast tripod
detail 10
the front of the unusual old letter scale
detail 11
the brass letter tray
detail 12
the back of the letter scale
bruine lijn
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