maker: Lama? former East Germany? (DDR?)
bruine lijn
letter scale of more recent date

These letter scales are of more recent date. On the internet Lama is named as the manufacturer. The reading chart is in German, there is written in full: Gramm. These scales have a turn-over counterweight and a fixed stagnant chart. The lower range of the letter scale shown left, is 0 - 250 grams. The upper range goes up to 1000 grams. Specimens with lower ranges also do exist, see picture at the right. The ranges of the scale in front are 0 till 50 grams, and 0 till 250 grams. The scale in the middle has a lower range of 100 grams, the upper range is 500 grams. These letter scales are completely made of steel. The frame is sprayed in grey or in dark brown. The parts of the mechanism possess a thin chrom coating. The chart is aluminum.

trio of scales, ordered in rising range

bruine lijn
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