letter scale

maker: Philipp Jakob Maul, Hamburg, Germany
bruine lijn
letter scale, maker Ph.J. Maul
letter scale, maker Ph.J. Maul

This letter scale is from Philipp Jakob Maul from Hamburg, Germany. Its M logo is on the frame above the main axis. This scale does not need an adjustment screw because the measuring scale rotates on the same axis as the pointer and the arm with the counterweight and is therefore self-adjusting. Even on a sloping surface, the pointer of this letter scale will indicate the value zero. The scale is chrome-plated. The clear enamel measuring scale has a stripe for each gram, and there are also markings per five and per ten grams. The black and white checkered band also makes reading easier. The weighing range is 100 grams. The measuring scale is concav, this is stated with text and eye logo at the end of the scale. Below this is the indication MONOGRAD and below that D.R.G.M. The latter is the abbreviation of Deutsches Reich Gebrauchs Muster, a design protection, faster and cheaper than a patent. I don't know whether Monograd is a protected designation. A copy with a larger range was previously shown, see this 250 grams version. The Monograd measurements scale has been applied to more versions, see this black one 100 grams version, and also this black 50 grams version.
Below are some more images of this self-adjusting chrome letter scale from Ph.J. Maul.

back of the scale
back of the scale
side view
side view
unloaded or loaded with 50 grams
animation: unloaded or loaded with 50 grams
{move the pointer over the photo]
side view
side view

detail 1
stripes per gram up to 100 gr.
detail 2
symmetrical placement of the enamel measuring scale
detail 3
concav monograd D.R.G.M.
detail 4
the profiled letter tray
detail 5
the Ph.J. Maul logo in the scale frame above the main axis
detail 6
on the bottom a fabric furniture protective layer
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« collection part 26 «© copyright André Solversion: November 28, 2023